Immaculate Lawns: The Hazards of Glyphosate and Sustainable Alternatives

Immaculate Lawns: The Hazards of Glyphosate and Sustainable Alternatives

Glyphosate based formulas, such as Round-up, are the most widely used herbicides in the world, and are what we frequently use for lawn maintenance. However, they pose a danger to both human health and the environment. I am hoping that, if you are someone who utilizes a glyphosate based herbicide on your lawn, that perhaps this blog post may sway how you feel about the cost/benefit of continuing to use it.

One week intentional spring health reset

One week intentional spring health reset

Spring brings with it the promise of re-birth and renewal. As the natural world reawakens and blossoms into life around you, it’s a great time to do some internal self-care, brush off your own cobwebs, push out accumulated junk from the winter and get yourself ready for the energy of summer. If you found yourself losing touch with healthy habits over the winter, I’ve put together a list of 5 simple practices for you to incorporate into your daily routine, for one week, to help to give your body and mind the post-winter tune up it needs.



There are so many areas of life where we can find ourselves rushing, “going through the motions,” not paying attention, feeling overwhelmed and being unintentional about the things we are doing. I know I have found myself doing that, often because I find myself short on time, under high stress, fatigued or because I am flooded with too much information or too many options. In which areas of your life do you feel like you could bring a little more intentionality?

Adaptogens: Plant Medicine for Life's Stressors

Adaptogens: Plant Medicine for Life's Stressors

Adaptogens are a group of herbs that help to protect you, physically, mentally and emotionally, from the negative impacts of stress. In other words, they help your body to adapt to stress. Not all adaptogens the same. As with all plant medicine, each adaptogenic herb has a particular energetic profile (ie, some are more heating, some are more cooling; some more relaxing, some more stimulating) and each one has additional medicinal effects outside of its adaptogenic properties.